Year 4
Welcome to Year 4 - 4R and 4C
Miss Redrup and Miss Clark
WHITE ROSE MATHS Daily maths lesson if you are not accessing them live
Hit the Button A fun way to learn times tables
Times Tables Rock Stars Another fun way to learn times tables, earn those points!
Year 4 - Curriculum Overviews
Statutory Spellings for Year 3 and 4
Other links:
Timestable Rockstars Times table practice - please try to do daily
Spelling Shed Spelling games
French - Linguascope French - this week we are going to look at animals. When you log in please go to Moi et Ma Famille. Please start with 'Les Visage''. Go through the presentation, ecoute and then play a game of your choice . Please contact your class teacher for the password
Gooseberry Planet Online E-safety
Place Value Counters Online Place Value Website