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Walsh Church of England Junior School

Achieving through Fellowship, Resilience and Peace

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Vision Statement, Christian Ethos and School Values



Our vision is to create a peaceful, nurturing Christian school community where everyone knows they belong. Our inclusive approach ensures that everyone is valued, has high aspirations and given opportunities to flourish in every area of life.


Our motto is ‘Flourishing together, with God as our firm foundation’.


‘Jesus said: you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church’  (Matthew 16 v 18)



Our inspiration comes from the confident declaration of St. Peter, who identified Jesus as the Son of God. Jesus said: ‘You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church’. (Matthew 16:18). At our school, we aim to develop in all learners the same confidence, resilience and independence which St. Peter had. Peter showed an understanding about the nature of and peace of God, a love for others and a resilience through trials. He helped build the early Christian community. We live out our vision through our values of community, peace, love and resilience. Peter declared his love for God (John 21:15) and he shared God’s love for us all. He became the foundation of the community of God’s people and the church. Peter means ‘rock’ and throughout his life he demonstrated resilience. Galatians 6:9 reminds us to ‘not grow weary in doing good’ and at our school we strive to develop resilient learners who aspire to be the best they can, growing in love and flourishing as part of a safe, nurturing school community. ‘Nothing will be impossible with God’ Luke 1 v 37.





Considering our current context, needs, theological inspiration and The Good Shepherd Trust Values ‘To be better, together, to ensure an ambitious education for every child in every school every day’ our values became clear. Our growing diverse community is at the heart of our school and we aim to promote this as a peaceful place, both in learning, in ourselves and how we can solve problems. Our school is a safe and nurturing place where everyone knows they are loved and how we can love one another. One of our learning behaviours is resilience and we want our children and whole school community to be resilient in learning and in life.
